Monday, September 30, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
It's Bikini Season Ladies, and You Know What That Means....
We all know summer is a season filled with delicious BBQ's, homemade desserts, dozens of Starbucks coffees, and of course, bikinis. The biggest problem I find myself having is knowing when to eat, what to eat, and what exercises to do in order to still look presentable in that itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini.
I've tried all the abdominal exercises you can think of and yet, no six pack. Unlike models such as Gisele (who are on a whole other fitness level then the rest of the world), women don't always have the time to spend 3 hours with their personal trainer everyday. We wish we could to get Gisele's killer bod, but the fact of the matter is we just don't have the time. But before you give up all hope and go grab the tub of Rocky Road, hear me out.
20 minutes of cardio a day is all you need! Run on the treadmill (track, road, etc.), bike, row, or even jump rope for a half and hour and you'll have burned over 200 calories. Add the ab workout below and you'll have done a very fulfilling workout for the day. Now, about that whole but-I-can't-stop-eating-everything-in-sight either. BUT if you trade an apple and peanut butter for those Oreos and peanut butter or some almonds or a cheese stick instead of chips, you have complete permission to snack all day long. Apples are incredibly filling and almonds are a great source of protein. The point is, while being delicious they are also nutritious and they both keep you full for awhile. Another thing to remember is not to eat while bored. Personally this is my biggest issue. Grab a glass of water, drink it, and wait 15-20 minutes. If you're still hungry, grab a light snack, if not, then you're golden. Many times our minds can mistake hunger for thirst if we're bored so don't go directly to the kitchen cabinet! Keep this is mind and by your next vacation you will be able to feel sexy and confident in that adorable new bikini!
For more awesome workouts click here to visit one of my favorite tumblr accounts!
Monday, June 10, 2013
A Very Bright Summer Ahead
Hot party to go to but you've scoured your closet and have nothing to wear? Have no fear, G2 is here to help!
This year's most fabulous summer trend revolves around brightening the room (and yourself) in a dazzling yellow ensemble.The runway has been filled with the cheery color all spring and some of our favorite celebs are starting to catch on too! From Oscar de la Renta and Michael Kors to Kate Middleton and Miranda Kerr, everyone seems to be hopping on the bandwagon! Whether it's a cute summer dress, a chic blazer, or even an accessory or two, don't be afraid to go bold at your next party and brighten up the atmosphere!
Check out Glamour's tips on how to wear it best!
Friday, April 26, 2013
The Not-so-Healthy Detoxes
Spring has finally sprung which means more and more students are outside enjoying the weather. Most universities around this time also have their infamous Spring Weekends, Spring Concerts, etc. and with these come an abundance of alcohol and greasy food on the go.
Currently trending are the ever popular "juice diets" and it appears almost every girl is talking about them. It seems simple, binge on alcohol and junk food for a weekend and then right after that weekend (and right before summer) cleanse your body of all the toxins? Right? Wrong. These diets claim to flush the body of toxins, curing everything from nausea and headaches to insomnia and yeast infections. However, with the recent spike in popularity, more and more health professionals are seeing an abundance of malnourished and run-down young women, a group of girls Marie Claire has deemed "juicerexics".
Ladies, I know it seems intriguing because of the speedy weight loss and the celebrity sponsors that have hopped on the band wagon, but be careful. Carefully research the diet before you begin and even consult with your doctor to decide if it's even necessary. We at G2 Organics are always up for the latest trend in weight loss and workouts however we make sure to keep it safe. An extra half hour at the gym could be much more beneficial than becoming a juicerexic!
For more information and to read the full article check it out at!
Currently trending are the ever popular "juice diets" and it appears almost every girl is talking about them. It seems simple, binge on alcohol and junk food for a weekend and then right after that weekend (and right before summer) cleanse your body of all the toxins? Right? Wrong. These diets claim to flush the body of toxins, curing everything from nausea and headaches to insomnia and yeast infections. However, with the recent spike in popularity, more and more health professionals are seeing an abundance of malnourished and run-down young women, a group of girls Marie Claire has deemed "juicerexics".
Ladies, I know it seems intriguing because of the speedy weight loss and the celebrity sponsors that have hopped on the band wagon, but be careful. Carefully research the diet before you begin and even consult with your doctor to decide if it's even necessary. We at G2 Organics are always up for the latest trend in weight loss and workouts however we make sure to keep it safe. An extra half hour at the gym could be much more beneficial than becoming a juicerexic!
For more information and to read the full article check it out at!
G2 Organics,
juice diet,
Marie Claire,
Spring Weekend
Overwhelmed By Beauty Products?
Overwhelmed By Beauty Products?
So we all know what its like to stroll through Sephora and browse every lotion and potion trying to decide which brand of a product to buy. Its time consuming! Thankfully we have bloggers to present reviews of products and help make the decision for us; after all, online shopping is the best. I just wanted to share with you some of my favorite blogs I enjoy reading and those that have great product reviews.
This blog has a lot of great beauty reviews. They always seem to review products I’ve wanted to try but have been too afraid to.
Laced Kittens is always doing giveaways. They also have extremely detailed and honest reviews of just about everything!
This website is great, as well as the blog of the founder and CEO, Carolyn Brundage. She is always blogging about the latest and greatest thing.
It can be overwhelming to weed through the thousands of products out there, and sometimes its nice to have a little help. All of these blogs also review some of G2 Organics’ products; it’s so great to be featured on a site or blog that you love reading. Hope you all enjoy them as much as I do!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Rainy Days
One of my biggest pet peeves is wearing the wrong type of shoe in the rain...and this has been an incredibly rainy spring. Needless to say I've had numerous soaked shoes and dragging sweats because I didn't believe the weatherman. The greatest way to prevent it though? Hunter Boots. I purchased a black pair two years ago and they have saved my feet on countless occasions. Super comfy and perfect for jumping in puddles, Hunter Boots are definitely a must have for every girls' closet. Especially with yet another rainy weekend right around the corner!

Be sure to check out the rest of the site and not to forget your umbrella too!
Be sure to check out the rest of the site and not to forget your umbrella too!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
A Legacy Never Forgotten
Exactly one week ago today one of the world's most renowned fashion icons passed, but not without leaving a legacy and a clothing line that will surely last forever.
Lilly Pulitzer, at 81, passed away in her Palm Beach home. Her bold prints and need of something to do caused her, almost accidentally, to be launched into fashion history. In 1959 Lilly opened a juice stand and quickly realized she needed a dress that would conceal orange and grapefruit juice stains, so she had one made. The pattern was so popular among the elite socialite group that surrounded her that her dresses became a closet must have. They originally sold for only $22, and in short, they were known as the Lillys, and if you didn't have one, you didn't even think twice about attending the next backyard party. The simplistic shape of the dress paired with the crazy patterns that Mrs. Pulitzer fancied were moderately priced and accessible to most, however "only those who were rich enough to have bad taste wore them". Bold prints clearly are not for everyone.
Mrs. Pulitzer, who originally married into the famous publishing family, divorced her first husband Peter and married Enrique Rousseau in 1969. She retired in 1984 and let the company take over her unique designs.
Lilly became an icon for the preppiest of the preppy and still remains one of the favorite designers for summer parties. Though her colorful spirit is gone, her clothes, her name, and her disregard for the norm in fashion will always live on. Lilly, you will be greatly missed, but certainly never forgotten.
To check out the full article click here.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Earth Week!
Earth Week!
Earth week is right around the corner everyone and you know what that means! Getting back to nature, cleaning up our environment, and most importantly, looking and feeling great as we do it! I know personally that when I do a lot of heavy cleaning my hands are turn out super dry and itchy from all of the harsh soaps. Solution? G2 Organics fabulous, Reiki charged candle moisturizer. It's perfect for those times when you're running late and just need something quick. Just light the candle while you clean and when you're finished and need to save your hands from resembling prunes, just blow it out and dip your hands in! Quick, easy, and very earth friendly.
For more information about our candle, visit our website.
For those of you in the one and only Big Apple who would rather clean a park than clean your closet (one of the more daunting of tasks) check out NYU's Earth Week's killer line up here! From tee-shirt dying to inspiring lectures on how to lead a greener lifestyle, NYU's Earth Week is sure to attract a lot of very welcomed attention. Be happy, be healthy, be green!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Beyoncé Partners With H&M!
Beyoncé Partners With H&M!
The singer has decided to partner with the Swedish retailer for the summer, even giving “personal input on the pieces seen in the campaign”. Beyoncé is posing for the idea that all women can be all things: strong, vulnerable, sensual, maternal, fun, flirtatious. The clothing will be available beginning May in H&M stores worldwide and online. Check out Vogue’s and H&M’s official press release here!
Monday, March 18, 2013
Ear Candling
Spring Cleaning Have you ever tried?It feels great!Been used for over 2500 yearsTRY IT!!!!!!!!
by Cherie Corso
"Ear candling/coning can be understood as an ancient healing modality - Atlantean, Mayan, Egyptian, Tibetan - which has many other healing practices, periodically spent time in "hiding". It was originally used in conjunction with initiation practices for spiritual leaders in order to strengthen their positions a s bearers of great truths and as beacons of light in the darkness. Ear coning was used to open the spiritual centers and to clear and cleanse the physical as well as emotional and other auric bodies. It was used in conjunction with other healing practices and assumed a co-creative position with these practices.
Traditionally, conings were performed by master energetic healers who worked on the physical as well as intermediate planes.Conings were performed in the temples and usually occurred in a series of three, spaced strategically apart. The number of conings performed was individualized and depended upon either the amount of clearing which was necessary and/or the spiritual appetite of each person. Although seven conings were average, at times, as many as eleven conings were performed. Nine and eleven conings were considered to be aligned with the master numbers in numerology. Receiving nine or eleven conings symbolized achieving human perfection toward universal service.
Ear conings worked upon the physical body by detoxifying the sinus, lymphatic and other systems. Among other things, they provided clarity of hearing and vision, improvement in the sense of smell, taste and color perception as well as emotional stability and sharer mental functioning. In addition to working upon the physical body, coning worked directly with the chakra system to clear an strengthen the auric bodies as well. Traditionally, the first seven conings worked to clear and strengthen the physical body and the first seven layers of the auric field. Each coning would ALWAYS affect the physical body and then affect whichever auric layer needed most to be cleared at that moment.
For example, the first coning affected the physical body and either the first auric layer (etheric body) or the second auric layer (the emotional body) or the third auric layer (the mental body-thought forms) or the fourth auric layer (the astral body) or the fifth auric layer (the etheric template-associated with sound healing) or the sixth auric layer (the emotional level of the spiritual plane) or the seventh auric layer (the mental level of the spiritual plane-past life band and present life plan).In Egypt, however. at various times, auric bodies were intercepted and provoked to release blocked energy in a sequence.
For example, the first coning affected the physical body and the first auric layer, the second coning affected the physical body and the second auric layer and so on through the first seven conings. The eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh conings were performed in order to clear and strengthen the physical body and those bodies in the cosmic plane of existence - those crystalline bodies composed of extremely fine, high vibrations.
These conings were thought to totally purify the physical body and to fine tune the auric field in order to allow one to resonate in the purist from in preparation for supreme service.It must be realized that coning was done simultaneously and coordinated with advanced haling practices using color, crystal, sound, and other soon to be revealed methods, to correct the obstructed natural flow of energy, balance the system, realign the spinal structure and cleans the body.
These healing processes ritualistically purified individuals, allowing them to resonate to the highest vibrational frequencies. Realize, also, that upon your earth plane at this time, the number of conings required by individuals will be directly related to any other healing processes to which they are simultaneously exposed.
by Cherie Corso
"Ear candling/coning can be understood as an ancient healing modality - Atlantean, Mayan, Egyptian, Tibetan - which has many other healing practices, periodically spent time in "hiding". It was originally used in conjunction with initiation practices for spiritual leaders in order to strengthen their positions a s bearers of great truths and as beacons of light in the darkness. Ear coning was used to open the spiritual centers and to clear and cleanse the physical as well as emotional and other auric bodies. It was used in conjunction with other healing practices and assumed a co-creative position with these practices.
Traditionally, conings were performed by master energetic healers who worked on the physical as well as intermediate planes.Conings were performed in the temples and usually occurred in a series of three, spaced strategically apart. The number of conings performed was individualized and depended upon either the amount of clearing which was necessary and/or the spiritual appetite of each person. Although seven conings were average, at times, as many as eleven conings were performed. Nine and eleven conings were considered to be aligned with the master numbers in numerology. Receiving nine or eleven conings symbolized achieving human perfection toward universal service.
Ear conings worked upon the physical body by detoxifying the sinus, lymphatic and other systems. Among other things, they provided clarity of hearing and vision, improvement in the sense of smell, taste and color perception as well as emotional stability and sharer mental functioning. In addition to working upon the physical body, coning worked directly with the chakra system to clear an strengthen the auric bodies as well. Traditionally, the first seven conings worked to clear and strengthen the physical body and the first seven layers of the auric field. Each coning would ALWAYS affect the physical body and then affect whichever auric layer needed most to be cleared at that moment.
For example, the first coning affected the physical body and either the first auric layer (etheric body) or the second auric layer (the emotional body) or the third auric layer (the mental body-thought forms) or the fourth auric layer (the astral body) or the fifth auric layer (the etheric template-associated with sound healing) or the sixth auric layer (the emotional level of the spiritual plane) or the seventh auric layer (the mental level of the spiritual plane-past life band and present life plan).In Egypt, however. at various times, auric bodies were intercepted and provoked to release blocked energy in a sequence.
For example, the first coning affected the physical body and the first auric layer, the second coning affected the physical body and the second auric layer and so on through the first seven conings. The eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh conings were performed in order to clear and strengthen the physical body and those bodies in the cosmic plane of existence - those crystalline bodies composed of extremely fine, high vibrations.
These conings were thought to totally purify the physical body and to fine tune the auric field in order to allow one to resonate in the purist from in preparation for supreme service.It must be realized that coning was done simultaneously and coordinated with advanced haling practices using color, crystal, sound, and other soon to be revealed methods, to correct the obstructed natural flow of energy, balance the system, realign the spinal structure and cleans the body.
These healing processes ritualistically purified individuals, allowing them to resonate to the highest vibrational frequencies. Realize, also, that upon your earth plane at this time, the number of conings required by individuals will be directly related to any other healing processes to which they are simultaneously exposed.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Spring Cleaning
Well ladies (and gents), day light savings has officially arrived and you know what that less hour of that precious beauty sleep we all crave. But have no fear, the G2 Organics team is here to help! With every new spring comes a whole new you, and what better way to start off this spring than with some uplifting spa treatments to get you relaxed, energized, and ready to take on the sun...and maybe that closest full of clothes you haven't cleaned out in five years.
We've compiled a few of our favorite at home spa treatments (we love DIY!!) that will be sure to lift your spirits and rejuvenate your chakras, not to mention for almost no cost at all and they're totally organic!
We've compiled a few of our favorite at home spa treatments (we love DIY!!) that will be sure to lift your spirits and rejuvenate your chakras, not to mention for almost no cost at all and they're totally organic!
Apple Cucumber Brightening Facial
The cucumber refreshes and tones, while the egg white tightens and the fruit juices add enzymes and exfoliate and brighten.
You’ll Need
- 1/2 cucumber, peeled
- 1 egg white
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/2 teaspoon lime juice
- 1 thick slice of apple
- Several mint leaves
- 1 drop lime essential oil
Now Do This
- Combine all ingredients except oil in a food processor and process until smooth.
- Add the essential oil last and mix well. Refrigerate the mixture for 10 minutes.
- Apply a layer to your clean face and neck area and leave it on for 20 minutes.
- Rinse well with warm water. For more instructions check out this site!
Apple Pear Anti-Wrinkle Cream
You’ll Need
- 1 teaspoon apple juice
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon lime juice
- 2 tablespoons buttermilk
- 1 tablespoon rosemary leaves
- 3 seedless grapes
- 1/4 pear
- 2 egg whites
Now Do This
- Blend all ingredients in a blender on medium speed for 30 seconds.
- Using a cotton ball, dab mixture on areas around the eyes and wherever wrinkles have developed.
- Let dry, then rinse with warm water.
- Use no more than 3 times a week.
- Follow with a moisturizer.
Don't like these two facials? There are so much more on the DIY Spa website! But don't forget to give your aching hands and feet a little TLC too! Here is a perfect remedy to shake the last bits of winter out of your system and get fully prepared for that glowing Spring-time skin.
DIY Winter Hand Therapy Mask
You’ll Need
- 3 tablespoon rolled oats
- 2 tablespoons rose water
- 2 teaspoons almond oil
Now Do This
- Crush or pulse oats finely and mix all ingredients in a mortar with a pestle.
- Heat mixture very gently — just to the warm stage, in your microwave (the oil should NOT be hot).
- Carefully apply your warm mask to your winter sore hands or feet (best to do this on separate occasions).
- Wrap in cling film or a clean towel.
- Allow to remain on your hands or feet until cool, and then rinse.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
By Cherie Corso
Spring is just around the corner, its now a great time to go through your lotions and potions and read the labels. But what does it mean? The following is a list of 10 toxic chemicals contained in many cosmetic ingredients that you should avoid from this day forward. As I always say we can do it all, but if you read the list and can eliminate one or two ingredients from your beauty routine you will be better off. Just take a look it cant hurt, will help you. Everything in moderation "one drop at a time we can help ourselves and the environment".
Examples: diazolindyl urea, imidazolindyl urea
Common preservatives that release formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, that is irritating to the mucous membranes and known to cause contact dermatitis, headaches and internal bleeding.
Examples: diazolindyl urea, imidazolindyl urea
Common preservatives that release formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, that is irritating to the mucous membranes and known to cause contact dermatitis, headaches and internal bleeding.
Examples: butylparaben, ethylparaben, isobutylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben
Common preservatives that are linked to breast cancer.
Examples: butylparaben, ethylparaben, isobutylparaben, methylparaben, propylparaben
Common preservatives that are linked to breast cancer.
Examples: di-butyl-phthalate, di-ethylhexyl-phthalate
Commonly used as a plasticizer in everything from skincare, cosmetics, nail polish, perfume to hair products and deodorants. Known to cause damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system. Suspected of causing birth defects, lowering sperm counts and a breast cancer risk.
Examples: di-butyl-phthalate, di-ethylhexyl-phthalate
Commonly used as a plasticizer in everything from skincare, cosmetics, nail polish, perfume to hair products and deodorants. Known to cause damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive system. Suspected of causing birth defects, lowering sperm counts and a breast cancer risk.
Mineral Oil
Examples: mineral oil, petroleum, liquid paraffin
A petroleum by-product that interferes with the skin’s natural functions, clogs the pores, exacerbates acne, and is highly likely to be contaminated with carcinogens that are linked to breast cancer.
Examples: mineral oil, petroleum, liquid paraffin
A petroleum by-product that interferes with the skin’s natural functions, clogs the pores, exacerbates acne, and is highly likely to be contaminated with carcinogens that are linked to breast cancer.
Propylene Glycol and Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Made from the same chemical that is used to create anti-freeze, this chemical easily penetrates the skin and is linked to damage of the liver, kidneys and brain.
Made from the same chemical that is used to create anti-freeze, this chemical easily penetrates the skin and is linked to damage of the liver, kidneys and brain.
Sodium Laurel/Laureth Sulfate
Commonly used foaming agent that is considered a skin irritant and carcinogen, and is known to cause skin rashes and allergic reactions. SLS is absorbed into the body via skin application and mimics the activity of estrogen. This has a variety of health implications ranging from PMS, decreased fertility in men as well as an increase in cancers such as breast cancer in women. It is often disguised in “natural” products with the term “derived from coconut”. It is particularly irritating to the eyes. SLS is often contaminated with dioxane, a known carcinogen.
Commonly used foaming agent that is considered a skin irritant and carcinogen, and is known to cause skin rashes and allergic reactions. SLS is absorbed into the body via skin application and mimics the activity of estrogen. This has a variety of health implications ranging from PMS, decreased fertility in men as well as an increase in cancers such as breast cancer in women. It is often disguised in “natural” products with the term “derived from coconut”. It is particularly irritating to the eyes. SLS is often contaminated with dioxane, a known carcinogen.
Diethanolamine (DEA) and Triethanolamine (TEA)
These chemicals can react with other ingredients in the cosmetic product to form potent carcinogenic chemicals called nitrosamines, that are linked with liver, stomach, bladder and esophagus cancers.
These chemicals can react with other ingredients in the cosmetic product to form potent carcinogenic chemicals called nitrosamines, that are linked with liver, stomach, bladder and esophagus cancers.
Commonly found in nail products, this chemical is a known carcinogen, allergen and irritant. Commonly used synthetic preservatives, such as diazolindyl and imidazolindyl urea, break down to release formaldehyde.
Commonly found in nail products, this chemical is a known carcinogen, allergen and irritant. Commonly used synthetic preservatives, such as diazolindyl and imidazolindyl urea, break down to release formaldehyde.
Synthetic Fragrances
The simple term “fragrance” on an ingredient list can refer to a combination of any of the thousand separate ingredients used to make up the “fragrance”, many of which are phthalates (ie. toxic carcinogens and hormone disruptors). Fragrances are considered to be one of the top 5 known allergens and are known to cause asthma and trigger asthma attacks.
The simple term “fragrance” on an ingredient list can refer to a combination of any of the thousand separate ingredients used to make up the “fragrance”, many of which are phthalates (ie. toxic carcinogens and hormone disruptors). Fragrances are considered to be one of the top 5 known allergens and are known to cause asthma and trigger asthma attacks.
Synthetic Colors
Examples: FD&C Yellow 5, FD&C Red 40
Labeled FD&C or D&C followed by a number, they are known to cause skin irritation and sensitivity. Many are also believed to be carcinogenic.comprehensive database of ingredients used within cosmetics and personal care products.
Examples: FD&C Yellow 5, FD&C Red 40
Labeled FD&C or D&C followed by a number, they are known to cause skin irritation and sensitivity. Many are also believed to be carcinogenic.comprehensive database of ingredients used within cosmetics and personal care products.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Drinks for Spring Break
Drinks for Spring Break!
Spring break season has arrived! Put on your polka dot bikinis, oversized sunglasses and head down to the beach. G2 Organics has pulled some of our favorite Spring break drink recipes to share with you all.
Our first pick is the Watermelon Margarita. We love this drink because it is sweet, but is not too heavy on the calories thanks to the delicious watermelon!
2 cups watermelon chunks, seeded
4 oz. tequila
1 oz. Cointreau or other orange-flavored liqueur
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
Ice cubes as needed
Salt, to taste (optional)
2 lime wedges (optional)
2 lime slices
In a blender, combine the watermelon, tequila, Cointreau, lime juice and ice cubes and puree until smooth.
Our second pick is the Frozen Strawberry
-Basil Mojito. For a quick fruit and herb fix, this drink is sure to make your taste-buds wild. The sweetness of the strawberry paired with the strong basil herb taste is a perfect balance for a nice afternoon treat.
The yummy stuff:
1 can frozen limeade
2 cups frozen strawberries
2 limes
fresh mint
fresh basil
Mixing it all together:
toss the frozen limeade in the blender
fill the empty limeade can with rum and add in
throw in 2 cups frozen strawberries
in a separate cup...
squeeze the juice of 2 limes
toss in fresh mint and basil and muddle it all together
add the mixture to the blender
top it all off with some ice and blend away!!!
Visit our Facebook page and tell us about some of your favorite recipes Click here to go to our Facebook Page!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Nolcha Fashion Week
Nolcha Fashion Week
week, G2 Organics had the pleasure of attending Nolcha Fashion week. This event
is dedicated to independent fashion designers and allows them to showcase their
collections to an audience of press, retailers, stylists and industry
One of their popular events, the
Fashion Brunch hosted by RUSK, took place at Yotel on the Upper West side of
Manhattan. Simply walking up to the hotel was an experience on its own. The
exterior design features a modern honey-combed pattern appearance, and is illuminated
by a purple glow.
The event
featured over fifteen different retailers, but it felt very intimate being that
each vendor had their own room designated as their space. In the center of the
venue, hair stylists were offering free blow-outs, styling and even make-up
application. After some pampering, one can take a walk over to the Hydration by Nature vendor which
features all natural, no sugar added, no preservatives coconut water. Out of
their six featured flavors G2 Organics had our hearts set on the Pineapple and
Mango Coconut Water.
retailers who attended the event included Lilly Lorraine Inc., Restore NYC,
Manufacture NY, Michelle Pajak-Reynolds and CAT Footwear.
Lorraine Inc., based out of Austin, Texas, was started by Christi du Mesnil
Craven who’s main philosophy for the brand is to give women a full-wardrobe that offers a
collective versatility to a women's lifestyle. Our goal is to engage in the
woman's emotion, femininity and confidence. Christi does just that by featuring
exclusively designed textiles such as an exclusive bamboo textile, which is
currently patent pending.
Lilly Lorraine Inc. bamboo textile
dresses from her Fall 2013 collection, featured at Nolcha Fashion Week 2013.
G2 Organics
had the pleasure of talking with Amy Delson, owner and designer of Amy Delson
Jewelry. We learned how she came about starting her jewelry line and her
true inspirations. Amy Delson would come about unique pieces of jewelry in
different antique shops and would create her own pieces. She recalls getting
stopped in public many times by people asking about her jewelry and where they
could buy it. After all the positive feedback from the public, Amy decided to
pursue her own business. Amy mentioned the energy and inspiration that she
gathers through nature, and shared with us that often times she will sit in
Central Park and gather new ideas for her pieces by observing the surrounding
nature. Amy also features custom design where one can bring in a meaningful
piece of jewelry, such as an antique family ring, and Amy will create a modern
piece from the antique piece. G2 Organics loved the detailing of the clasps on
each of Amy’s pieces which are engraved with, “Made with Love in NYC.”
Here are some more picture from the fabulous event!
Rosalie Cooper, owner and founder of Esarsi shoes, along with her daughter Stacey Cooper were at the event with their unique designs.
A glimpse of Amy Delson's jewelry table.
Michelle Pajak-Reynolds' elaborate jewelry designs were also present at the event. They are truly works of art.
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